Sunday, November 10, 2013


Bin databases are used by all small or large firms for reliable checking of financial cards and to ensure trouble free business. Bin stands for bank identification number which serves as a signature for identification of all types of cards. The six digits which constitute bin reveals a lot of information needed to rule out the possibility of financial frauds.

Bin amex is the bin database comprising of bank identification numbers of American express cards. Bin visa and bin master card are dedicated databases of visa and mastercards respectively. The advantage of bin amex is that the merchant do not need to invest in the whole set of bin database when the majority of his customers can or are using American express cards alone.

Benefits of bin amex varies from protection from credit card frauds to fast approval of transactions. The cashless transactions are still on the rise and the need for good anti fraud measures has resulted in custom made solutions like bin amex. Such solutions are far result oriented and contain the most accurate and reliable data. The data of course can be derived either from general databases or from commercially available data bought from card payment processing companies.

The latter is much comprehensive and the bin amex is one such. The details of American Express cards are derived from the service provider directly and this helps in an accurate verification of credit or debit card. Apart from the common classic credit, debit and charge cards, bin amex also offers details on bin numbers of cards such as Black, Blue Cash, Blue for Business, Blue Cash, Bonus, Business, Business Platinum, Cash rebate, Centurion, Citic, Corporate Card, Delta etc.

All these cards vary in their nature and limits of coverage and international payment terms etc. A bin amex contains the latest and up to date information on these cards and the details are therefore of use where firms process claims majorly from such cards.

The bin amex database is really fast enough to allow online and live checking of cards. It takes less than the time it takes to swipe to verify the contents of bin amex database. The bin amex system after verification issues a warning if there are any suspicions for the transaction. This can be linked to accounting software that automatic filtering features can be enabled. On receiving the warning from bin amex, the customer can choose to allow or stop the financial transaction.

Apart from the regular online shopping malls which process large number of credit and debit cards, there are insurance companies which rely on databases such as bin amex for their sustenance. The bin amex is therefore used to verify the insurance frauds also. Medial firms which process insurance claims are also increasingly relying on bin amex for verification of the claims.

Apart from these superficial benefits, bin amex also helps in securing the finance by being linked to e-commerce platforms. When there is a suspicious transaction, the bin amex raises a warning which is passed on to e-commerce platform and the system can be modified to stop transaction for such cases.

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